Thomas Barrett Farmstead
63 North 400 West
Orem, UT 84057
You shouldn’t have any trouble finding us using the address above.
Your smart phone will take you directly to the venue.
Parking can be found at the business center located across the street to the East (where Thompson Orthodontics is located)
Walk up the driveway of the farmstead and you should see us!
Class may be moved around the property depending on the weather, but we’ll try to be in the front yard of the home under the shade of multiple large trees.
The goats will be waiting for you in our enclosure! We have lots of goats that won’t be joining class but with the ones that will, you’ll have the time of your life!
If lost and need further direction, text or call Paige at
(801) 404-4974
Please always give yourself ample time to find the venue so you don’t have to miss out on any of the fun!